Ok some of you may notice that at the end of each post there are boxes to check for reactions. I took the dislike button off. Someone or a couple people were going through to all my Twilight related posts and clicking dislike. I understand a lot of people don't like that movie or the books but if you don't like the stuff I create Move Along. If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all. That just made me kinda upset so I felt I needed to address it.
Ok on to the necklaces. If you want a brain necklace I am selling them in
my shopThis batch I made a pink glitter one. I'm not into pink but my friends are :)

Then a brain for me hehe

I made this Edward one for a personal swap. I made a Bella hat and necklace for Bella mittens. When you hold this necklace up to the light he sparkles.

of course a NIN necklace

Then I got the idea to make herb charms. I am pagan so herb charms are great.

Oh Love the top one with glitter :)
I love them all!!!
And even though i didn't love the movie, i think the edward charm was a great idea with the sparkles and all..
Thanks! *feels better* :)
I love them! Your blog in general:] I'm totally hooked on your projects and such. Love the Twilight thing you make. Hehe Bashful and embarrassed Twi-fan here
Martha: Thanks :) I am a proud Twilight fan. I have read all the books and I fell in love. My Husband loves the series too. We are true romantics I guess. Nothing wrong with liking Twilight :)
Hi April,
I love your crochet work and read your blog often. I am not familiar with Twilight, and was wondering what a herb charm is? What is in it?
Keep up the great work!
Nancy: Thanks! An Herb charm is exactly that. A charm with herbs in in. Certain herbs have certain properties like healing or protection. These particular ones are filled with Mint and Sage :)
I absolutely ADORE the Edward charm! AMAZING! :)
Love, love, love these! So creative and I especially like the herb charms! Especially since you can select herbs with appropriate qualities :) And the ones who disliked everything--They are simply jealous of your talent and creativity. Ignore them.
How do you make the herb ones? I am also wicca would love to make a health one for my mother. She is 85 and needing all the help she can get. Plus, she would love this for her birthday. You can reach me at carpathian13@gmail.com and for those who do not like your stuff and are not smart enough to just move on instead of being rude. Well, they are just rude and small minded. Don't let that ever stop you or make you feel bad. They can not help that they don't know how to grow-up. You are doing great and I love your idea's and work. I hope you open your own shop one day.
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