I was walking to school with my daughter and she turned to me and said, "Mommy my ears are cold." The hat she was wearing was stretched out and kept falling off or sliding back off her head. I told her I would make her a new hat with ear flaps and her face lit up. "Make it orange mommy." LOL orange is her favorite color so she wants everything to be orange. After I walked home I started thinking about what she likes. She likes orange, stars, long "Link hats" as she calls them, and Braids. So I figured I would add earflaps and combine everything she likes. I also made an adult version. What do you think? I have the pattern for sale in my ETSY SHOP for $3. It includes both the child and adult versions.
The orange hat reminds me of Jayne's hat from Firefly lol
Those are beautiful hats! You must run out of orange yarn a lot :) My daughter loves purple and I go through lots of it when I make stuff and she always asks for one in purple!
Melz: LOL yah I do. She wanted it all in orange so I told her I would make it Orange and Orange lol. Different shades make it easier to deal with. (Orange is one of my least favorite colors but it comes in handy for spotting her in a crowd lol)
I could see where orange with different shades would be easier to deal with, But very true, I might need to make Morrigan something orange it would be nice to see her easy in a crowd! She tend to blend in when wearing purple!
I am in love with this hat lol you always come up with super awesome hats, like the convertible striped one. I saw it and HAD to make it. I'll post a pic of the finished product for you. I added a tiny bit of musical flair lol
Waow! I really love EVERYTHING you do!!! I juste wanted to write this a long time ago but i was afraid my english won't be good enough to tell it right! So excuse me if I'm not very clear!!! I think you're a talentuous and wonderfull mother, making so much things for your daughter, my oldest daughter (she's 10) is jealous because she LOVES Link and everything of Zelda's world...and I do too! I'm a french woman, I'm 35 and I live with my 3 daughters and their father in the center of France, and when I read your messages I feel like we're not so different although we live very far away!!! I have been very surprised when I saw one of your latest post where you ask some people to be kind and correct, you share so much things and I would never have imagined that people could be mean about you or your work...???? These people must have a poor and miserable life if they have nothing else to do than just go on the net only to criticise and hurt...My mother always says: If you have nothing sweet to say, than just shut up! Well, I have nothing but nice things to say about your stuff, so thank you to be there and to share your lovely job!... Amitiés Angélique http://bazarmagique.canalblog.com/
I love it when you talk about Firefly! It always makes my day to read other fans lol. My little sister wants one of these because she thinks it looks like a Jayne hat, only "less dorky," as she puts it.
I noticed the pattern isn't on etsy anymore and the link for getting it for free just sends me to an error page....merp?? It's a lovely hat, just want to find out how I can make it =]
Hey April! I am not finding the hat on Etsy now either, and the free link is not working when I click it. Could you help? Thanks so much!!! Love your work!!
Thanks for the awesome pattern. I made this hat for my best friend as a birthday present. And she LOVED IT!!! Her birthday dinner was moved up so I had to make it within 4 hours and surprisingly I made it in time and it wasn't as hard as it looks besides the braiding part. But my best friend wants to also thank you for this lovely hat! :D Keep up the good work!
Those are beautiful hats!
You must run out of orange yarn a lot :) My daughter loves purple and I go through lots of it when I make stuff and she always asks for one in purple!
what an awesome mommy to make your daughter all these cool things!!
Melz: LOL yah I do. She wanted it all in orange so I told her I would make it Orange and Orange lol. Different shades make it easier to deal with. (Orange is one of my least favorite colors but it comes in handy for spotting her in a crowd lol)
Silence.est.harmony: Thanks!
I could see where orange with different shades would be easier to deal with, But very true, I might need to make Morrigan something orange it would be nice to see her easy in a crowd! She tend to blend in when wearing purple!
I am in love with this hat lol you always come up with super awesome hats, like the convertible striped one. I saw it and HAD to make it. I'll post a pic of the finished product for you. I added a tiny bit of musical flair lol
I really love EVERYTHING you do!!! I juste wanted to write this a long time ago but i was afraid my english won't be good enough to tell it right! So excuse me if I'm not very clear!!! I think you're a talentuous and wonderfull mother, making so much things for your daughter, my oldest daughter (she's 10) is jealous because she LOVES Link and everything of Zelda's world...and I do too! I'm a french woman, I'm 35 and I live with my 3 daughters and their father in the center of France, and when I read your messages I feel like we're not so different although we live very far away!!! I have been very surprised when I saw one of your latest post where you ask some people to be kind and correct, you share so much things and I would never have imagined that people could be mean about you or your work...???? These people must have a poor and miserable life if they have nothing else to do than just go on the net only to criticise and hurt...My mother always says: If you have nothing sweet to say, than just shut up! Well, I have nothing but nice things to say about your stuff, so thank you to be there and to share your lovely job!...
Very pretty!! Wish I had the cash for the pattern right now. Although I can't share your daughter's taste in the orange one LOL I love the blue one.
Thanks for sharing- you have some wonderful patterns!
Hola! muy buenos trabajos!! me gustan mucho!!, cariños, Ma. Cristina
Melz: Rainbow is a great color combo for spotting kids too. Not too many people have Rainbow hats ;)
W33z13: Thank You :)
Angelique: Thank You so much. You made my day. I feel much better now. Thank You :)
Marla: Thanks. I am running out of different colors of Orange haha. I used to not like pink but now it is a welcome relief from Orange. lol
Maria Cristina González: Thanks. I couldn't understand what you wrote but it looked good lol
I love it when you talk about Firefly! It always makes my day to read other fans lol. My little sister wants one of these because she thinks it looks like a Jayne hat, only "less dorky," as she puts it.
I noticed the pattern isn't on etsy anymore and the link for getting it for free just sends me to an error page....merp?? It's a lovely hat, just want to find out how I can make it =]
Samantha: LOL I love Joss :)
Ana: It is still there. It is just when one sells the listing goes down until I can re list it.
Hey April! I am not finding the hat on Etsy now either, and the free link is not working when I click it. Could you help? Thanks so much!!! Love your work!!
jenny: It sold and I just re listed it. What free pattern link?
Thanks for the awesome pattern. I made this hat for my best friend as a birthday present. And she LOVED IT!!! Her birthday dinner was moved up so I had to make it within 4 hours and surprisingly I made it in time and it wasn't as hard as it looks besides the braiding part. But my best friend wants to also thank you for this lovely hat! :D Keep up the good work!
That's awesome! Thank you for sharing your story :)
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