I really wanted to design a hat with a 4 leaf clover on it. My family is mostly Irish so it feels good to make something in honor of them ;D Mostly I made it for my daughter though. She was really excited about Saint Patrick's Day so I wanted to make something special for her. This is what I came up with. What do you think? I have the pattern for $3 in
my Etsy shop if anyone is interested. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Beautiful!!!! seu blog é lindo!!!
beijocas, Tathy
This hat is adorable.
I would wear it for St Patty's day, and would want to all the time, but would be a little scared to. I absolutely love it though :)
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy and appreciate your blog! When I'm in the mood to crochet something awesome, you're usually one of the first places I look. I've made a few convertible hats and they make awesome gifts (not intended, others just tend to want to steal them...) and the video game themed hats (or geeky themed hats of ANY sort) always make my nerdy heart happy.
I am about to start the Valentine's day convertible hat and the Sweet November shawl.
Thanks for sharing everything you make!
You are amazing, I just discovered your blog today but even though I do not crochet (not really anyhow) I love just looking at the pictures. I also love all the LoTR inspiration, if I were an artist I would so be drawing from my favorite obsessions too! I love the passion for life and excitement that seems to come through on your blog. And you have a super cute family too!
I don't care what anyone says, you have to be one of the most creative amazing people ever! I love every piece of your art. I have a child of my own (he's only 5 months) but I can't wait to make him little animals and hats that he can appreciate. Kudos to you!!!
Thank you so much Everyone. Your comments really cheer me up. Thank You :)
Wow you have CRAZY talaent!. I have been crocheting for years! here I am 20 years later and wouldn't know what to do with out a pattern. I stumbled on to your web site looking for GIR corchet patterns. what a valuable find keep coming up with your idea's I love that you are so unconventional, seem to just have fun!
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