ok I know other people have made a crochet Gir but I haven't been able to find a pattern. Plus I'm never happy unless I do it myself. DIY all the way. so here are some pics. I didn't have the lighter grey that is why he looks a bit dark.

This is the 2nd Gir I made. I made the shoulders bigger, I crocheted around the feet, & I found some grey yarn that was the perfect color :) The pattern below has all the changes in it.

ok you want the pattern??
do a little dance............
doot doot do dee do doot do do
ok here ya go:
Free GIR crochet pattern
By: April Folts
For personal use only
Hook size: 3.25mm
Gauge: 17 sc = 4 inches
Yarn: Acrylic
sc2tog (sc dec) (Insert hook into next st and draw up a loop) twice, yarn over and draw through all 3 loops on hook – 1 sc decreased.
ss = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
ch = chain
Rnd = round
YO = yarn over
FO = Fasten off
Acrylic Yarn colors:
Grey and Blue
Pattern is worked in rounds except when specified different.
Use marker to indicate beginning of Rnds.
Head & Body
With Grey ch 1
Rnd 1: Work 8 sc in first ch
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc (16)
Rnd 3: *Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc*, rep from * to * around (24)
Rnd 4: *Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, rep from * to * around (32)
Rnd 5: *Sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, rep from * to * around (40)
After completing round 6
Disc: draw a circle around your circle to make a pattern, then cut out a piece of cardboard or something stiff like plastic canvas
that way his head will be flat.
Rnd 6-23: Sc in each sc around (17 rounds)
Insert disc
Rnd 24: *Sc in next 3 sc, Sc2tog*, rep from * to * around (32)
Rnd 25: *Sc in next 2 sc, Sc2tog*, rep from * to * around (24)
Rnd 26: *Sc in next 1 sc, Sc2tog*, rep from * to * around (16)
Rnd 27: sc2tog 8 times
Rnd 28-30: Sc in each sc around (3 rounds) (8)
Rnd 31: *Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc*, rep from * to * around (12)
Rnd 32: *Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, rep from * to * around (16)
Rnd 33-39: Sc in each sc around (7 rounds)
RND 40: *Sc in next 2 sc, Sc2tog*, rep from * to * around (12)
RND 41: *Sc in next sc, Sc2tog*, rep from * to * around (8)
RND 42: Sc2tog 2 times
weave hole shut
FEET (make 2)
With Grey ch 1
Rnd 1: Work 8 sc in first ch
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc (16)
Disc: Draw a circle around your circle to make a pattern, then cut out a piece of cardboard or something stiff like plastic canvas
Rnd 3-7: sc in each sc around (5 rounds)
Rnd 8: *Sc in next sc, Sc2tog*, rep from * to * around (11)
Insert disc
Rnd 9-11: sc in each sc around (3 rounds)
Rnd 12: Sc2tog 5 times
Rnd 13: 6 sc
Add a little bit of stuffing and weave hole shut
FO with a long tail to sew to body
ARM (make 2)
With Blue ch 1
Rnd 1: Work 6 sc in first ch
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc (12)
Rnd 3: sc2tog 6 times
Attach Grey
Rnd 4-7: sc in each sc around (4 rounds)
Attach blue
Rnd 8: sc in each sc around (1 round)
FO and hide all the ends inside arm
no need to stuff :)
Take the end of the arm and squeeze flat, 4 sc across the end going through both sides closing the arm.
Ch 1, 2 sc, ch 1, turn, sc2tog
Weave loose ends into arm
Attach to body
Square on stomach
With Blue
Row 1: ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn
Row 2&3: sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn
Sew to body
Eyes (make 2)
With Blue ch 1
Rnd 1: Work 8 sc in first ch
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc (16)
Disc: Draw a circle around your circle to make a pattern, then cut out a piece of cardboard or something stiff like plastic canvas
Rnd 3: *Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc*, rep from * to * around (24)
Attach grey
Rnd 4 & 5: sc in each sc around (2 rounds)
Rnd 6: *Sc in next sc, Sc2tog*, rep from * to * around (16)
Insert disc
Rnd 7 & 8: sc in each sc around (2 rounds)
With Blue ch 1
Rnd 1: Work 6 sc in first ch
Rnd 2: sc in each sc around (6)
Rnd 3: Sc2tog, 4 sc (5)
Attach grey
Rnd 4-9: sc in each sc around (6 rounds)
FO with a long tail to sew to body.
Finishing touches:
Take Blue and sc around the blue in the eyes all around forming a ridge. (See Picture) Also take Grey and sc all around the top of his head. Do the same to the feet if you want to. I was in a hurry when I made him so I forgot to do that to the feet.

This work by April Folts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Any donations are welcome and appreciated.
I squealed with delight when I saw this pattern, and I came here on a diagonal because I was following a link for your Jack Skellington pattern. I think I'm in love with your tastes. And as a beginning crocheter (two months) I'm just happy to have someone else's patterns to follow while I try to get some proficiency. Since the past week has seen me make Cthulhu, a beholder, and Spider Jerusalem, these will follow the pattern nicely.
I'll post pictures when I have them done.
Hi, I like your Gir so much!
If you don't mind, I'd like to post a link to your GIR pattern in my blog.
Thank you,
I finished it. It's anything but perfect, but that's all my fault. Still, thanks for the pattern. I'll try it again when I have the right color of gray, though.
We just made Gir with your pattern and it's great! Thanks for putting it up, and we're hoping to get our camera working so we can post pictures soon.
OH MY GOSH!! My son is going to crazy when he sees this on Christmas. Thank you so much for the pattern.
You totally rock! I have an anime club at my high school and we always watch Zim and most of those girls are in the stitching club. They will squee when they see this! Thank you so much!
Have you seen the Gir in dog suit pattern? http://chriscrosscrafts-patterns.blogspot.com/
Great pattern.
lol he is cute.
My hubby's been begging me for a Gir. I just haven't had the time with all my other projects to work a pattern up on my own. Boy oh boy is he gonna be surprised come Christmas morn! THANKS!!!!! (I'll try to post my pic when done.)
lol can't wait to see it :)
Rather than crochet around the head and feet once they're done wouldn't simply crocheting through the back loops for a round during construction achieve the same effect? I'm going to try it... we'll see. Would you suggest on the fifth or sixth round of the head?
OMG! U rock :) Seriously just made my day here!
MIR: let me know if that works out :)
I love it!! I post the finish Gir I did on facebook and now all my friends want me to make one for them!!
Hey did you know if you do the main body in green then do the arms and legs in black and make ears and a zipper then he is the dog version of gir... i made three of them, one went to my mom one went to her friend and then i got one. thanks for the idea
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR PATTERN!!!!!!!! But... I'm having a problem with the head... It looks like I'm working on a neck pillow.....
Thanks for the wonderful pattern, I made one for my friend and I am working on another, pics to the first one can be found on my blog.
Thanks Everyone. Sorry it took so long to respond. I have been really busy and sick. I hope everything went smoothly :)
I finished! I did it as a gift for my boyfriend, thank you for the pattern :D
THanks SOOO much!!! this is going to be my sisters birthday present!! WOHOOO~~!!! you're awesome!
I love this pattern!! I'm making one for my son, he looooves robots and so I'm so happy to find this just in time for his b-day. I was wondering if u might b able to make and post a pattern for little red riding hoods cape (hood). I've looked all over and I can't find one for adults. Thanks very much:)
Omg I need to learn how to crochet now. ��
How did you do the hands?
I got so lost between head and body. so I will try making my own...Crossing my fingers..
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