Yay this is now featured on Geek Crafts Oh there is one tiny little correction I would like to add. The Glasses are pipe cleaners they aren't crocheted. They kinda do look crocheted at first glance though :D
I made this Doctor Who doll for my swap partner on Craftster. He is now hers to love :D
The adjustments to make this doll are here
Your doctor who doll is simply brilliant! I will have to try amigurumi sometime.
Awesome! love it! Glasses are particularly good!
Thanks! I love Doctor Who :D
I guess he will have to use his brain to solve problems :D He is THE DOCTOR he can do ANYTHING :D
Do you perhaps have a pattern for this doll? I love the doll so much. :3
not yet :( I read an article about someone getting sewed for selling the pattern for the Adipose(sp?) (the walking fat) so I am playing it careful. I am going to make a male vampire with the same pattern all you would have to do is change the colors to make "The Doctor" but I have a lot of special orders to do right now before I can so it will be a while. If you can't wait you could get the phantom pattern and just make his arms the same color as his cape and that would make it look like a trench coat. Then change the other colors. I used pipe cleaners for the glasses and eyebrows.
LOVE this! I write for www.geekcrafts.com and we are featuring it tomorrow 9Nov. 17) so please check it out! THis little guy is adorable!
Yay! *EXCITED* thank you so much :)
Love this! It looks just like him. :)
I just bought your Phantom of the Opera doll pattern on Etsy. I can't wait to make both him, and "The Doctor". My husband and I are TOTAL Dr. Who fans!! Thank you soooo much for sharing your talent!!!!! I've bought a few other of your patterns before and you make them so easy to follow. Keep up the amazing work!!!
Thanks! I hope you like the pattern :D
This is perfect because I like so much the Doctor who, my daughter also like it, actually I know she will like so much like I love Viagra Online.
I just found your blog and love it!! Thanks!
Hi I just found your blog, and it's like the blog of my dreams! Lol. I was super excited to see Bella's hat, but then I saw your Dr. Who and I fell in love! :) your patterns are great, thanks so much for posting them.
I would love to see him with some red and blue 3D glasses.
April, I'm still fairly new to crochet but about the Dr. Who Bag, how do you change the colors or carry them along as you do the pattern? I've never tried a pattern on something like this. For example the firs black row, do you change colors to the black and carry along the MC or say when you have to switch to blue do you carry the Black over? I'm confused on how to keep changing the colors without cutting and weaving all the ends in thanks in advance, Jenn
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