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and here is the bottom
Easy Mittens
by: AprilDraven
for personal use only
Yarn: Regular 4 ply worsted yarn
H hook
Rnd: round
Sc: single crochet
Ss: slip stitch
FO: Fasten off
hdc: half double crochet
dc: double crochet
fpdc: front post double crochet
bpdc: back post double crochet
*NOTE: use a marker and work in rounds*
ch 2 or form magic circle
Rnd 1: 8 sc in ring
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (16)
Rnd 3: *1 sc, 2 sc in next sc* rep from * to * around (24)
Rnd 4-19: sc in each sc around
ss 1, FO
(this is the hand part)
ch 2 or form magic circle
Rnd 1: 8 sc in ring
Rnd 2: *2 sc, 2 sc in next sc* rep from * to * around (10)
Rnd 3-9: sc in each sc around (7 rounds)
ss 1, FO
by this point you should have 2 pieces that look like this.
If you have bigger hands or longer hands adjust accordingly. add a couple rounds or subtract a couple rounds to make it smaller. The pieces should fit like that.
Take the thumb and sew it to the hand piece 4 stitches
then attach yarn anywhere on the bottom and sc around thumb and whole mitten. You should have 30 stitches total. (of course the count would change if you altered the pattern)
Rnd 1-3: sc in each sc around (3 rounds)
Rnd 4: *4 sc, sc2tog* rep from * to * around
Rnd 5-9: sc in each sc around
at this point if you wanted to make the entire mitten single crochet you could just keep going until you reached your desired length. I didn't I changed it up.
Rnd 10: ss1, ch 2, hdc in each sc around, ss1 to join
Rnd 11 to desired length: ch 2, *1 fpdc, 1 bpdc* rep from * to * around
ss 1, FO.
This work by April Folts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Any donations are welcome and appreciated.
Hi April,
I'm so sorry to hear that you are sick. I hope that you feel better soon. BTW Thanks for the cool mitten pattern! Get lots of rest and eat lots of chicken soup and you should be good as new in no time. :)
I thank you very much for this pattern. I have been looking for a really easy mitten pattern. There is just one thing in it that I haven't been able to figure out. When it says in the pattern ss1 is that to do slip stitch 1? Thanks!
yep ss 1 is slip stitch 1. I will change it to 1 ss if that will help :D
Thanks for the patterns April. My daughter saw these with me tonight and has made me promise to try to make them for her soon :D
She also saw the hat to and I have added those to my list of thins to make :D.
Hope you are doing well!
I've been searching for a good mitten pattern and this is IT! I made 10 pair in various sizes over the weekend. Thank you for the wonderful pattern!
Thanks Everyone!
Hi April I am a beginner when it comes to crocheting due to having MD I cant knit but for some reason crocheting is easier. I LOVE these instructions!!! BUT I am stuck on round 4 "Rnd 4: *4 sc, sc2tog* rep from * to * around " I am not sure what this means can you explain?? Thanks!!!
"Rnd 4: *4 sc, sc2tog* rep from * to * around "
Round 4: *Single crochet 4 stitches, then decrease 1* repeat from * to* around
I hope this helps
Sorry that people use your pattern to make money. I make hats & other things for cancer chemo patients & give them to them.
Sylvie: That's great! Charity is always alright with me :)
I don't understand how to attach the thumb. Could you please explain it in more detail.
I already wrote asking you for a simple crochet pattern for a vest,
Karen: I'm not sure I can. You sew part of it to the main piece you are working on and then you crochet around the entire thing.
P.Steere: I don't recall your message asking me to make a vest. I'm sorry but I don't do crochet pattern requests. I make what I am interested in making :)
This pattern was awesome and super easy to follow especially since this was my first time making mittens! only problem is the diagonal line I have going across the front through the back of the mitten, I think I must've done something wrong as far as the rounds are concerned cause in the pic you posted of yours there's no line. Either way thanks so much for the pattern, keep doing beautiful work :)
imsecretagentdd: Sounds like you joined each round with a ss. Next time don't join just insert a marker and keep going.
Good morning,April,hope you are feeling better today.I have many great grand babies that live in the cold weather and would love to make the crochet mittens but am having troubl printing it.Can you just post the instructions withp\out all the printings?
Good morning again,April,just wanted to let you know that I do alot of charity work hats afghans,etc. and ship them out to Oklahoma to "Birth Choice" that aids mothers with limited"mean"
cchew1: I put the pictures up so it would help people. I am not going to take them down that wouldn't be fair for everyone else.
Try highlighting the text, right click select copy, then paste it in notepad or word or some program you have for typing on your computer. I hope this helps.
I am going to ttry this one for my granddaughter. I am going to do a hat then I have to do the stringing down and then adding the gloves. My granddaughter saw one at the fair and it really cost so I am doing some experiments.
Love the mittens. Will be doing them for my 9 grandkids. Almost didn't search further on the pattern because the site "All Free Crochet" has it rated as an Intermediate pattern. Luckily I went to the pattern because I've never done mittens - thought if it was Intermediate I wouldn't be able to accomplish them. But, looking it over, they seem doable.
Thanks for posting these cute doaable mittens. I really appreciate those who are talented enough to create patterns and then post them for those of us who benefit from their creation.
Thanks so much for the mittens pattern.. My grandson asked for some the other day, so this will be awesome to surprise him. He is a teenager so this will make his day ..and mine. Feel better soon.. hugs ~~~
I just wanted to let you know that YOUR mitten pattern is THE FIRST crocheted mitten pattern that has resulted in an actual pair of mittens that I made and am not ashamed to wear in public! I am able to crochet a wide variety of items but mittens and gloves always stumped me until I tried this pattern. THANK YOU!
Your pattern is overlapped with comments and cannot be read. Just thought you'd like to know. Merry Christmas! Very cute mittens!
Alice: That is a problem with your browser not the page. Maybe you don't have the page allowed? Are you using firefox,internet explorer, or some other browser? If you are using one try using another and see if that fixes it. I can assure you that everything is working fine :) Happy Holidays!
I can't tell you how excited I was to find this pattern -- I've been wanting mittens for like two years but refused to pay 25 dollars for a pair of good-quality fluffy knit ones. But this pattern was easy enough for even me to do (my first crochet project, a double crochet baby blanket, is still sitting half-finished after a year)! So excited about that! Even the first mitten, which is a bit deformed, looks pretty good, which must be a testament to your pattern because it sure wasn't me, lol!
i found your pattern when i was looking for a pattern that started at the fingers and worked downwards. all of the others started at the wrist and went up. o_O
thank you for this wonderful pattern. i've made a pair and it was really easy.
everything i've seen in your blog is so cute! =)
I volunteer with Woman On Missions for my church. It is a missionary ministry. We are making things like hats, bookmarks, little drawstring bags, and dolls. Is it okay for me to make your mittens to go with the hats I am making to send to the missionaries that are overseas for the little children they witness to? Thanks so much for responding and God Bless you.
Dawnya: Of course :) Anything that helps people in need is fine with me.
Thank you very much.
I finished the mittens, and they look great. Thanks so much for allowing me to use this pattern for charity. I posted a picture on my facebook page and linked the mittens picture to you. So maybe someone else will see what cute stuff you have. Once again thanks so much. Except for the hat I made, this is the first time I crocheted anything other than something with granny squares.
I thank you for an easy to read and do mitten pattern!! all the other's scared me to death to even wanna try.....but these Iam very excited to start and make!!!will look further into more of what you write too now as its so easy to read!!!! Thanks so much for sharing !!!
I have never crocheted mittens with thumbs before and was hoping to find a top-down pattern, as I prefer top-down with crochet. Thank you for posting the pattern, and I will be posting my progress on :-)
Oh my... These are so easy to make... Just finished mine! Soon will post on my blog with a link to this great pattern!
Thanx for sharing
Thank you, thank you THANK YOU! What a brilliant pattern. So much simpler than many other mitten patterns that leave a gap of chains for the thumb, this is SO much more straight-forward. I started making another pattern that uses a back loops only sc ribbed cuff, which I like, but I will DEFINITELY be using your pattern for the main mitten. Thanks so much for your generosity in sharing, it's a shame people take advantage and make money from your kind sharing.
What an interesting approach to the construction! I'm going to have to try your method on a pair of mittens. I'll bet that with a little tweaking this method would work nicely for gloves, too... Hopefully you are feeling better! I know being sick when you have a mile long list of responsibilities can be quite a challenge.
Thanks for the pattern. Is it okay if I use it for charity? I make hat, scarf, and mitten sets for our local homeless. Your mitten pattern seems much nicer than the one I am currently using.
I noticed the overlay-harmonics problem, and this can be resolved by lengthening the size of you webpage. The problem is that each item on the page has HTML descriptions that allow these to be seen, but there is currently not enough room on your page for the otherwise hidden HTML descriptions. When this happens you will see things over-laying other items. I ran into this problem myself, and argued with it for awhile, but EVENTUALLY...I did figure it out.
Love the mittens, and I will see about make a few pairs. Thank you,
Thank you so much! I've had a terrible time with thumbs!!! Your pattern is the only pattern I've found that makes any sense to me (I'm not particularly thick, I just can't make things I can't visualize)!!!!!
You are such an incredible person! Thank you for sharing this pattern, now I can make beautiful matching hats and mittens to donate to those who are in need. Thank you! thank you!
I hope the picture shows up. I embellished a little. Thank you for your pattern expertise!
I'm not quite sure how to do 2 sc and 8 in ring. What ring. Also I'm not familiar with the Magic circle.
Easy to follow instructions and both my mittens turned out the same size!! LOL!!! Thanks for sharing your pattern. I will be making many more.
I love it when someone takes something and does it in a different way. I have ADD so I bet this pattern would make it a whole lot easier for me to even want to start a pair of mittens. Thank you so much.
Hi April :) I am on my 2nd pair o mittens and loving it! Now I was you have plans... put a wonderful mitten pattern here or on etsy or kids ages 5 and 7 respectively/they live across the country so I dont have their hands to hold or measure :( and while you are at it could you do up a pattern of convertible mitts :) thank you in advance! barbarab
Fantastic. Took 3 hours to make my first pair. I am sure time will go down from there. Thank You Thank You Thank YOu
You are welcome :)
can anyone tell me why I seem to be getting wider and wider on my 4-19 rounds. Im on row 10 currently and what I thought would fit a child is now more for an adults hand. thank you for any help!
I was so happy to find these directions for easy mittens. It's been a few years since (ok, quite a few, like 30+) I last crocheted any major projects. I've begun spinning wool from my hobby flock and was looking for the perfect "first project" for my homespun wool. Any idea how many yards of 4 ply I will need to make a pair of mittens for a small adult hand?
Jennifer: I couldn't tell you without seeing an up close picture of what you have.
Sharon: (1) 7oz. skein was good for me,(You might want to get 2 to be safe) but it all depends on how long you are making your mittens and what hook you are using.
Hello I was wondering if you would cate if I used you pattern in a video posted on YouTube and linked to your blog? This is something I've been wanting to try but haven't had the time I do now lol. But I saw you make comments about selling the gloves so I thought I would check with you first.
Thank you so much for your well written easy to follow pattern! Just love it!
April, thank you for this pattern! I think I'll make a couple pair to get the hang of it, then make some over-sized ones in wool, then 'full' them into a nice, heavy felt! I think they'd make fanatic felt gloves. Have you used that nice, even pattern on the backs to cross stitch designs on them, at all? (Can you tell I'm really excited about these mittens? Lol )
Thanks again!
Fabulous pattern. It you have a Mac you can put the page into "Reader Mode" in Safari and then print the pattern alone, including the pictures of the glove.
I don't know why all mittens aren't crocheted like this!
For the thumb, (2nd row) do I put 2 sc all around?
No. It says *2 sc, 2 sc in next sc* rep from * to * around (10)
This means 1 sc, 1 sc, then 2 sc in the next stitch. You should end up with 10 sc when you are done with that rnd.
I hope that helped.
Hi April! I just finished my first mitten. Thank you so much for sharing your pattern! I love the way the mitten fits; it hugs the hand and wrist and is so comfortable. In the past, the crocheted mittens I have seen were bulky and sloppy and not all that pretty, actually. Your pattern is more contoured and makes for an altogether nicer pair of mittens. (Well, I don't actually have a pair yet but I was so thrilled at how my first one turned out that I had to get online and tell you so.) I am quite new to crochet and I found your pattern easy to read and the pictures helped immensely. My first mitten EVER looks as good as those my grandmother made and she's been crocheting for 45 years. Thank you so, so much for this wonderful and easy-to-use pattern. You took the fear out of crocheting my own mittens. Thank you for your generosity!
P.S. I am from beautiful Michigan as well which makes me appreciate your pattern even more!
Thanks a lot for the free pattern i made a minnion pair of them looooooove it .
Hi April
Made the mittens, first pair, enjoyed you have a pattern to make for smaller kids in the same style. For maybe 2 or 3 year olds.
I did the samething. Thanks for addressing this. Now it makes sense.
I made the gloves with a thicker yarn and a larger hook.
For my total glove round I have 16 SC.
For my thumb round I did 6 beginning sc and then did the sc, sc, 2sc (= 8 sc total)
My question is when I add the thumb on to the glove part, do I still need to stitch 4 stitches to join the pieces or less?
Hope my ? makes sense. LOL.
Hi April,awesome pattern. thank u
Hi April I have crocheted on & off since I was 16 now I'm 60 & because of your wonderful pattern & my grandchildren asking me to make them some mittens I have finally made a decent pair of mittens. Thanks Grateful Granny T
I love your pattern. Do you turn the mitten and thumb insde out (to the right side) before joining and then doing the sc rounds and cuff? I make hats, scarves and ear warmers (and now hopefully mittens) for less fortunate families. Hoping to hear back from you and thanks again for the free pattern.
Thank you for this wonderful pattern! I never thought I'd be able to do mittens, but your instructions were spot on and very easy to follow! My first pair turned out like a charm. I make cold weather items and disperse them through out my community for anyone to find that happens to be caught out in the cold. I'm so happy to be able to add miteens to my collection.
Thanks again!
Maggie Maguire
HI. Thanks for an easy mitten pattern. I have just one problem on the thumb. I did the 8sc in the ring and then Im confused on the next round where you do Rnd 2: *2 sc, 2 sc in next sc* rep from * to * around (10). Do you do 2sc 2 times and then sc the rest of the way around to make 10 stitches?
I love this pattern! Was afraid to do it from the top down because I hate sewing, but this is so easy , and the pattern is flexible for people like me with bigger hands!!
I love this pattern! It is very well written and easy. Thanks for sharing this.
Hi April
Love the pattern - so simple to follow and adjust but just 1 question is there any reason why if you make the thumb 1st just to continue with the finger bitand not finish off and start again. I like to reduce joins as much as I can and it seems to work my way x just curious if there was a reason for it Thanks L
Please help! I am a beginner, could you please tell me what line 3 means. I feel pretty dumb and most times I can figure things out with YouTube. I just can't get it to come out to 24 stitches. Thank You!
Would like to make these one size bigger and not really sure how to increase to how many stitches...just love this pattern..HELP please?
These crochet gloves are always be my dream. I would wanted to get one of these pair of gloves.
Eres una Genia! Mucho busque un patrón fácil, y como este no hay! Recién ahora lo descubro. Muchas gracias.
Lo único más difícil es el puño, pero, bueno, lo resolveré.
I do believe this is THE pattern I've been hoping to find for simply forever! Thank you for creating it! I have a friend who asked me to make her mittens in Seahawks colors, but nothing too girlie and I think this pattern will work for her. I'm excited to give it a whirl.
Do you have any pattern for fingerless gloves? We have a bunch of really cold typists in my office requesting that I make some. Thanks again!
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