Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Elven Ranger Hood

I made this because I received quite a few requests for a hat like this. A few of you wanted my dark wizard hood but you wanted it with a long tail and couldn't figure out how to make it. So here it is :)My awesome friend Aaron did a great job modeling for me. You might recognize him from the Super Long Goth Hat pattern. We had a lot of fun ;) He actually inspired the name a little bit. The Axe he is holding is a Lord of the Rings Replica. The long tail of the hat made me think of Legolas and the hood made me think of Aragorn. So combine the two and this is what I got lol. The Pattern will be available for $3.00 in my etsy shop if anyone is interested.
Have a Wonderful Day/Night Everyone! Thanks for reading :)


  1. I am trying to work your Easy Crochet Mittens free pattern but the bottom of the pattern directions have printed over the comments on your blog...could you re-post or send me the pattern?
    thanks, cathe.

  2. Sounds like a problem with your browser. For example, if you are viewing it in internet explorer try viewing it in a different browser like firefox or chrome. If you are viewing it in firefox, make sure the page is allowed.

  3. Oh my gosh, that hat is so cool. Thanks for sharing. Good luck with your pattern sales!


  4. The hat looks awesome, but the model looks about as hot as a model can look. Thanks for sharing <3
